Sep 2022

Customizable Labels, Advanced Advisory Lists Functionality, and More!

Release Notes: (v.5.1.9), September 2022

We’re pleased to announce the release of Cosmetri v.5.1.9. Themes for this release are customizable labels, advanced advisory lists functionality, manufacturing ‘rework’ feature and Okta SSO integration.

Customizable Labels 

Create custom label templates for any label format - for example, for dispense containers, samples labelling and raw materials batches. Select any compatible field to be displayed as a barcode and choose the data fields required to be printed on the label. Preview and adjust the label to your exact requirements. Based on the options you set, the maximum number of available rows will be calculated.

Manufacturing Rework Status 

A new default status “Rework” is now available for manufacturing orders, enabling adjustments to be made after the order has been set as manufactured. This enables a product batch to be re-processed, unlocking the dispense options so that further adjustments can be applied to the bulk product.
The inventory change log for each dispensed raw material batch also reflects any such rework adjustments for accurate traceability of all inventory changes. A new section in the batch ticket and dispense list displays any reworking adjustments. .

This update also introduces custom statuses for manufacturing orders, selectable once the status “Manufactured” has been applied to an order. Set whether a status requires all tests in the “Approve” tab to be passed or skipped.

Advisory Lists 

We’ve extended the functionality of the Advisory Lists feature in Product Manager. Lists can now be set as ‘positive’ or ‘negative’. All existing lists will continue to function by default as negative type lists, warning the user if an ingredient in the list appears in an associated formula. By setting the list to ‘positive’ mode, ingredients in the formula that are not in the list are flagged. This can be useful for building lists of approved ingredients and ensuring that only these are used for formulation.
An ingredient in an advisory list can also have a maximum allowed %w/w set, thus only displaying a warning in the formula if this threshold is exceeded.

A new import tool enables fast set-up of an Advisory List by importing a csv list of ingredients to a list. During the import any ingredients in the source file that could not be auto mapped to an ingredient in the Cosmetri ingredients database can be manually mapped.

Okta SSO 

Single sign-on (SSO) is an authentication scheme that allows a user to log in with a single ID to any of several related, yet independent, software systems. Enterprise plan users can now apply to Cosmetri for activation of Single Sign On (SSO), with Ping One and Okta currently supported.

Minor Modifications and Bug Fixes 

  • Improved handling of custom ingredients
  • Fixed issue where duplicate compliance warnings were displayed for some ingredients 
  • MRP filter state now resets (bug) 
  • Manufacturing orders list, bug fix where list was not refreshed 
  • Fixed bug in Projects/Checklist tab if department set to ‘hide’ 
  • Improved edit method for ‘Safety, Toxicity & Purity’ values in formula 

We’d Love to Hear from You!

Whether you’re a current user of Cosmetri software, or are interested in hearing more, we’d love to hear your feedback and questions. You can request a software demo or contact us here.

The team at Cosmetri

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